This is a great question. Let me explain how we ended up with only two and a half days off for Thanksgiving and what reactions we have received so far.
The School Board each year sets the calendar for the District, usually between March and May. The Board members represent the community and asked for a lot of input to make their calendar decision. We also had principals discuss the proposed dates at faculty meetings. After all the input was provided, here are some of the thoughts that went into that decision.
This year our school year started a week later than most districts in the County. While we started on August 30th, most districts began either August 16th or 23rd. This was in response to many requests that we return to a traditional calendar where the school year begins later to allow families to continue their vacations or simply spend more time together. We had a tremendously positive reaction to the late start date, with not a single complaint. People really seemed to enjoy and appreciate the late start date.
Of course, this means, if we want to get out of school early in June instead of later, we would have to trim days during the school year. Since traditionally around the country Thanksgiving is a two day holiday and since the Christmas break is only a few weeks after that, it was decided that this was the time to do it.
What has the response to this change been? Mixed. Many parents have commented how relieved they are that they do not have to worry about child care during the Thanksgiving week. Others have expressed disappointment that there was a change and/or that travel plans were disrupted. Those comments have only come up in the past few days, with the number happy about the change considerably higher than those upset.
Once the Board set the calendar for the year, a note was posted with the calendar on our website, on this blog and a paper calendar sent home at the end of last year. On the first day of school this year, magnetic refrigerator magnets were sent home with all students with the entire year's calendar on it. If you didn't receive one, check your child's backpack (that's where I usually discover my kid's notes...) and then contact the school your child attends. They either have more magnets or can provide you with a paper copy. You can also download the calendar from the District website at www.holtville.k12.ca.us and click on "CALENDARS" on the main menu.
Be assured that all comments I receive about the calendar, both positive and negative will be provided to the school board prior to their setting the calendar for next year. If you like or hate the late start date and shorter Thanksgiving Break, please let me know. I'll be glad to pass on your opinion.
Note: There are two other Districts in the county that have the 2 day Thanksgiving holiday break: San Pasqual and IVROP. In San Diego County 6 districts have two days off for Thanksgiving.
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