Monday, April 27, 2009

What is the District doing about Swine Flu?

Thanks for the very timely question.

After the announcement of some cases of Swine Flu being confirmed in the county, the Holtville Unified School District is taking steps to help parents identify symptoms of the flu and encouraging them to seek medical attention for those exhibiting the symptoms as a precautionary measure.

The District sent a notice home Monday advising parents to keep children home if they exhibit the following symptoms: fever, cough, vomiting, trouble breathing, bluish skin color and diarrhea. Parents should seek medical help if these symptoms occur. While the symptoms are similar to the ordinary flu or cold, the school district wants to make sure that the children are well taken care of and to ensure that the virus, if present, is not spread to other students. Once students are no longer exhibiting symptoms of the flu, they will be welcomed back to class. Children with resolved symptoms do not pose a risk to their classmates or others. It should be noted that while there have been adults diagnosed with Swine Flu in the Valley, no students in our District have been identified as of yet.

Parents can do their part by modeling behaviors that limit exposure to the flu. Kleenex should be used for those who are coughing or sneezing, with the tissue thrown away after use. Washing hands with soap or using antibacterial hand cleaners are also effective in limiting the spread of any virus. Everyone is also encouraged to stay healthy by eating a balance diet, drinking plenty of water and getting adequate rest and exercise.

The District is ensuring that each classroom has tissues ready (parents are encouraged to send a box or two to their child's classroom!) and that soap dispensers are working properly and filled. Students will be asked to wash their hands as often as needed, especially after recesses and before and after lunch.

Due to the potential seriousness of the Swine Flu, the District will be asking parents to report symptoms of those students who stay home and in turn the District will be providing composite information to the Health Department on a daily basis.

We take your child's health very seriously and our school nurse, principals and support staff are here to ensure that we do everything possible to help contain any virus that may be present.

Further information regarding the Swine Flu can be obtained from the Imperial county Public Health Department at 482-4738 or from the Center for Disease Control at


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